The adjective "rare" is an understatement. It should read: extremely rare small mannequin of the world-famous company Stockman, Paris. In all our long years as collectors of antiques, this is the first mannequin of its kind that we have seen, let alone held in our hands. The silhouette is typical of the Belle Époque period. Therefore, we date it approximately to 1890. It is probably a model mannequin for a large, lifelike dressmaker's mannequin. It was easier to take small dolls to customers 130 years ago (instead of large ones). Or she was actually in shop windows as a model used for doll corsets. It is completely preserved. The round base, the top and the arm ends are made of turned wood. The body is covered with a linen fabric. The decoration is not included. An absolute must for any collector of antique tailor dolls/mannequins.
Height: ~ 80 cm
Height corpus: ~ 56 cm