We are offering from our private collection: four antique hats from the court purveyor C.W. Borchert. We have collected the hats for many years, as the label of the purveyor to the court is very difficult to find. Now it is time to let them go.
The four hats date from the period 1900-1910 and all four bear the C.W. Borchert label.
Borchert appears in the list of purveyors to the court with the note: C. W. Borchert, Hutgeschäft, Friedrichstraße 157, Purveyor to the Court of the King and Emperor.
Black bowler, black top hat, military cap of a nobleman, ladies' hat made of straw.
All four are in excellent condition. The bowler and top hat are in their own boxes, the straw hat comes in a Borchert box.