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Rokoko Korsett-Stab, ca. 1760

Rococo Corset Busk, ca. 1760

antiker Korsett Stab 17601 antiker Korsett Stab 1760

Yet from the mid-sixteenth century until the early nineteenth century, the busk was a commonly known part of female dress: an independent, interchangeable part of the bodies and stays (corsets). It consisted of a long piece of a stiffened substance that was placed into a stitched channel between layers of fabric in the front of the bodies or stays and secured into place at the bottom by a small piece of ribbon called the ‘busk-point’.
The busk was often given to a women as a love token from her suitor or lover, with romantic personal messages carved upon it. This busk is ebonised, hand painted with a bee and two moths.

Länge: ~ 41 cm

Buttons sold

2 antiker Korsett Stab 17603 antiker Korsett Stab 17604 antiker Korsett Stab 17604a antiker Korsett Stab 17605 antiker Korsett Stab 17606 antiker Korsett Stab 17607 antiker Korsett Stab 17608 antiker Korsett Stab 17609 antiker Korsett Stab 1760

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