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Haarkamm aus imitiertem Schildpatt & Strass-Steinen, ca. 1905

antique hair comb 1905 1 antique hair comb 1905
Antique Edwardian hair comb, which has been produced from faux tortoiseshell, mounted with clear paste rhinestones in winged design. The comb is in a good condition for age, although a very small part of the wing is sadly missing. Also there is a little surface wear.

Maße: ~ 7 x 11 cm

Buttons bestellen
Preis: 190 Euro

2 antique hair comb 1905 2a antique hair comb 1905 3 antique hair comb 1905 4 antique hair comb 1905 5 antique hair comb 1905 6 antique hair comb 1905 7 antique hair comb 1905 8 antique hair comb 1905 9 antique hair comb 1905 10 antique hair comb 1905 11 antique hair comb 1905 12 antique hair comb 1905 13 antique hair comb 1905 14 antique hair comb 1905 15 antique hair comb 1905

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